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Bridging the expectation–reality gap in advanced clinical practice

Scott's mixed-methods study gathered insights from UK-based ACPs, identifying five key themes that illustrate the gap between ACPs' expectations and reality: clinical and non-clinical balance; full...

What are advanced clinical practitioners' expectations of the benefits of pursuing the role, and are these being realised?

This cross-sectional study uses a sequential, mixed-methods, exploratory design, in which themes identified during focus groups were used to construct a follow-up questionnaire. Using maximum...

Malnutrition in frail older adults and the risk of refeeding syndrome: a clinical review

In those that are malnourished, the risk of refeeding syndrome (RFS) should be considered. RFS is ill-defined, but broadly recognised as a severe fluid and electrolyte shift when malnourished patients...

Physiotherapy advanced clinical practitioners in an inpatient medical team: opportunities and challenges

Community hospitals, which support inpatients that require less acute intervention but are unable to return home safely (Gladman et al, 2017), face unprecedented demand and strain (NHS Digital, 2021;...

A local evaluation of the non-surgical oncology advanced practice curriculum framework

This article aims to assess the relevance of the curriculum framework for APs in non-surgical oncology and examine its associated implementation issues in Northern England. The objectives are to:.

Advanced practitioners working with older people in primary care and community settings: a survey of roles and use of technology

The aim of this study was to understand current roles and practice of APs working with older people living with frailty in primary care and community settings in the UK. The objectives were to:.

The effect of corticosteroid injections in the treatment of greater trochanteric pain syndrome: lessons for advanced practitioners

This commentary critically appraises the methods used within the review by Wang et al (2022) and expands upon its findings in the context of the four pillars of advanced practice: clinical practice,...

Developing the clinical nurse specialist role in Indonesia: increasing high-quality nursing care

In 1900, Indonesia was a Dutch colony and known as the Dutch East Indies. Over time, and in response to nursing workforce shortages, Dutch colonists trained local Indonesians to become nurses....

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Advanced practice nursing in the United States: autonomy and full practice authority

Practice authority variation exists by state, with some states allowing FPA and others restricting or reducing NPs' ability to practice. There are three levels of practice:.

A mixed-method review of the efficacy of a virtual fracture clinic: an 8-year follow up

This study aimed to explore the benefits, challenges and outcomes of a VFCs over a 8-year period. The objectives were to evaluate the:.

Interstitial lung disease: diagnosis and management principles

Practitioners across healthcare are all too aware that the classic respiratory symptoms of exertional dyspnoea and non-productive cough are in themselves non-specific. The multitude of ILDs, with...

Exploring the clinical reasoning of an advanced clinical practitioner through a respiratory case encountered in primary care

One method of clinical reasoning used in healthcare is the clinical reasoning cycle (CRC) (Levett-Jones et al, 2010). This is an 8-step process whereby clinicians collect cues and patient data,...

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Examining the feasibility of advanced practice radiation therapy roles within the Singaporean healthcare arena: a joint UK-Singapore study

In response to the growing complexity of cancer cases and advancements in healthcare technology, specialised expertise in radiation therapy practice has become pertinent (Wong et al, 2021)....

Supporting advanced practice: feedback from a mental health, community and primary care advanced practice support project in South Yorkshire, UK

To help support this vision, the South Yorkshire Faculty of Advanced Practice, which is part of the Northeast and Yorkshire regional faculty, developed the Mental health, Community, and Primary Care...

A systemised literature review into the benefits of introducing the advanced clinical practitioner role to palliative care patients

The aim of this study was to collect data on the effectiveness of ACPs working in palliative care, identify themes in the literature through narrative synthesis, and provide recommendations for future...

Advanced nursing practice assessment: a case study from paediatric neurodisability

The child, who will be rereferred to under the pseudonym ‘Suzie’, is a 13-year-old autistic girl who receives clinical supports from her local children's disability network team. She was referred to...

Opportunities and aspirations of diagnostic radiographers within advanced practice

The aim of this work package was to explore the perspectives and aspirations of individual practitioners working and/or training within image reporting roles across a single region, in terms of role,...

Investigating the retention and attrition of emergency care advanced clinical practitioners in the UK

Arksey and O'Malley's (2005) scoping review framework was used in this study (Table 1), alongside the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis extension for Scoping Reviews...

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